Friday, March 9, 2012

What steps would you take to ensure the future of your family in this situation?

You lost your job. You are 5 months pregnant. You have a 2yr old. Your husband started delivering pizzas for extra cash and you barely see him during the week. Most days he works 16hrs. Your 2 yr old is now having trouble going to sleep at night and sleeps by the door waiting for him to come home. You have started to become really depressed. How would you deal with this situation?

**This is becoming more common. I want to know how different individuals would do and different steps they would take to ensure the happiness of your families future.What steps would you take to ensure the future of your family in this situation?
While i am not in this situation, the best advice i could think to give you is to keep your chin up, remember that your family loves you, be thankful that you have your children , and remember to be thankful about what you do have.

If you feel the need, dont be ashamed to ask for help from family or friend, the only thing you could regret is not trying.

I hope this helps.

Much Love.
Hang in there. At least he's willing to work.What steps would you take to ensure the future of your family in this situation?
First off it is too late for an abortion, which would have been my first choice if my husband wasnt making enough money to support our family on his own.....but if it were too late for that i would find a job asap, and any job is a job, Carls Jr has a sign that says they r always hiring so if all else failed i would hit them up. then i would get my two year old on a set routine including bath, book, bed to ensure that he isnt up waiting for daddy all night. I would pay extra close attention to him and let him constantly know that he is loved by mommy and daddy and his new sister/brother that is on the way. I would give him lots of hugs and kisses. Finally, I would get the whole family into therapy to find a way to deal with all the new stress.

Thats how i would handle it.
For us we made the choice for me to be a stay at home mom, so living on one income is no big deal. We own our own business and have learned that there are times when we have more money coming in than other times, so we adjust our budget for that. I really think that if more families made the decision to have the mother stay home with their children and learn to live on one income, you wouldn't see people collapsing over not being able to "keep up with the neighbors".

We live a very comfortable life. We now own two homes and 5 acres of land, but that took planning and being realistic about our fiances and not living beyond our means.
Try to make the best of the situation. For example, can hubby bring home pizza? Free food and the 2 year old would like that. Work on getting the kid in his bed at night and talk to my doctor for something for the depression. Work on my job search skills, polish my resume, look into aid for short term training, consider college, whatever I can do so I am ready asap after the baby is born to get back to work, and have a decent job. Tell my man how proud /i am of him, and um, show him :).
Well the 2 year old would benefit from the Mother toughing up and making a decent routine for him so he does not sense her misery....if he had a happy day with her he would not miss his Dad that much,
I will try to help as best I can, if I were in your shoes.

Break it down step by step.

1.You lost your job.- decide if you can manage another job or if it will cost more to have a babysitter? This would include looking for jobs that provide some sort of day care. You could also consider taking on another child or two and sitting for them for money.

2. You are 5 months pregnant. You have a 2yr old. Well it sounds like you have your hands full and they are about to get fuller. I would suggest enjoying it for what it is and preparing to find some support emotionally because having kids with little money is hard. Consider excellent birth control for after the pregnancy. You may want to consider holding off for more kids. This is definitely what I would focus on.

3.Your husband started delivering pizzas for extra cash and you barely see him during the week. Is this what you want? Is it possible that you could work and he could stay with the 2 year old some? Consider other work is tiring. Or maybe this is ok for now. Is this about missing him? If so tell him, see what you can work out. Maybe there are other ways to get money or decrease expenses.

4. Most days he works 16hrs. This can't be kept up for long. Find another way. Talk between the two of you. This is a personal thing that you and he will have to figure out. Maybe someone needs to go to school.

5.Your 2 yr old is now having trouble going to sleep at night and sleeps by the door waiting for him to come home. This says he is gone too much. Do you have other ways of making income? Can you work some from home or let him be home while you take on another job at least part time? You have to brainstorm here.

6.You have started to become really depressed. How would you deal with this situation? This could make any mom depressed. Don't let it get out of hand. See you doctor if it gets worse, but at this point, get yourself around other moms. Get out. Seek companionship and start working out a way for your child to be around other kids and caregivers and give yourself a break.

Being a mom isn't easy. Having a husband that isn't around because he works alot isn't easy. Having money problems makes it worse.

Solve your problems with talking w/your mate. Just don't accumulate them all in one lump. It makes it overwhelming...

If you have another specific question. I will be happy to assist.
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