Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Would you eat frozen pizza after hearing this?

The other day i was sitting in health class and my teacher said he had something to say. For about 15 minutes he was explainging to us the the USDA for FDA (whatever deals with food) allow a certain amount of rat phesis in frozen pizza. They say when they have the flower sitting out sometimes rats come around, take some flower, and leave a thank you gift. Then it got worse. He said sometimes while the rats are in the flower they accidently get scooped up and blended into the pizza mix. He was dead serious too. He said almost everyone has eaten rat poo form a frozen pizza. I believe him. do you?Would you eat frozen pizza after hearing this?
Yes, I believe this! And did you know that, according to U.S. FDA standards, 1 cup of orange juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs and 2 maggots!! And boxed breakfast cereals are allowed to have a certain number of insects in the cereal grains.

I went on the FDA's website and found out a lot of other ones but I can't find the page right now. If I do I will edit this post and give it to you.

EDIT: Here's some more info I found.

Robert Choate, a government nutrition consultant, once stated that there was more protein in the INSECTS in some breakfast cereal than in the cereals themselves.

Current regulations include:

As many as 10% of the beans in a sample of coffee can be infested or damaged by insects.

250 Milliliters (about a cup) of orange juice is allowed to contain ten fruit fly eggs, but only two maggots.

Apple butter can have 5 insects per 100 grams (about 25 in a 16 ounce jar), but little insects like mites, aphids, thrips, and scale insects don't count toward that limit. The cleanest apples are sold whole, and the wormy ones are made into apple butter.

Wheat can average "9 milligrams of rodent excreta pellets and/or pellet fragments per kilogram.

Peanut butter can have 50 insect fragments per 100 grams (as many as 620 in the 40 ounce jar of Skippy's Super Chunk) or one rodent hair per 100 grams.

Curry powder can contain 100 insect fragments per 25 grams. Most spices are rife with insects before they reach the market; the FDA acknowledges there isn't much that American spice importers can do about the matter. (But "no live insects are permitted," an American Spice Trade Association spokesman insisted.)

100 grams of tomato juice can contain two DROSOPHILA maggots, five eggs and one maggot, or ten eggs and no maggot.

Frozen Brussels sprouts can have 40 aphids or thrips per 100 grams, that amounts to about 200 vermin in a 1 pound package.

"Foreign matter" as applied to food contaminants can also include metal shavings or lubricants from the canning or processing equipment.

Sufficient quantities of metal have been found in foods to create an industry for metal detectors expressly designed for food production lines.

Lead shot is often found in raisins as a result of hunters firing

into game hiding in the vineyards.

2nd EDIT:

Ah hah! Found it! Here it is, straight from the FDA website:


Just click on the links and you will find the allowed contamination limits. For instance, if you find the phrase "curry powder" in the page and click on the link, it will tell you the criteria. Here's the page for curry powder if you can't find it:

Stay in school and pay more attention to your language/English teacher.

Rats, mice and roaches are all over the food industry. Did you ever forget to wash the top of a can? Bet it had rat prints on it.

It's feces, not phesis. And flour, not flower. Scare us all you want, but even when cooked fully, rat turds are fine to eat.Would you eat frozen pizza after hearing this?
You know, they spray viruses on beef to kill the rats, same thing with all other meats. The healthies thing to do is hunt a kill all your own meat. And rat feces or no, frozen pizza is crap
They do indeed have allowances for things that you would rather not eat. It's not just limited to frozen pizza either. Pretty much everything you eat is affected by this.
sounds like he stole a page from upton sinclaire's book The Jungle. Anyway, i love frozen pizza and won't base my decisions off a teacher who more than likely doesn't know what the heck he's talking about.
i don't really believe your teacher but just hearing about it makes me want to throw up. i try not to think about those things it makes food a lot easier to eat.
well I was at Kmart one day... few years ago... there were flies swarming around the frozen pizzas....

So I know there are maggots on those pizzas.

Workers didn't care.
believe your teacher

No, I don't believe him.

Also, flowers are what you pick. Flour is what you bake with.
That's ridiculous....lol
If you think that is bad, you should read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
I wouldn't bother eating frozen pizza in the first place so, nope.
its the same thing with peanut butter. and almost any factory food.
Nah. I'm not bothered.

If it doesn't look like rat Sheesh, or taste like it- then i am no phased at all.

Edit: This, and other horrible things, will apply to most food processed in factories. Which is probably about 90% of your shopping.

Not just Pizza.

Good thing I dont eat frozen pizza!
Not anymore i'm not!
I hope not! Your making me choke, lol.
No i don't belive him.
lol no that cant be true

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