why not 6 or even ten.Whats the deal with the whole cutting pizza into eight slices?
the average family size at the time they started cutting it this way as four people, eight slices to the pizza meant two slices per person.
Sharing is caring.
The more slices you have, the more you can share?Whats the deal with the whole cutting pizza into eight slices?
The British pieces of 8.
its a lot easier than stuffing a whole pizza down your throat!
Where I live most pizza places cut the pizza in Squares.
Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw a circle. now divide that circle quickly into 8 triangles. Got it?
Now, draw another circle and quickly do it in 6. Then draw another one and do it in 10. Much harder to do, huh? Now you know why they cut pizza into 8th's.
Because, it is a lot easier to cut a pizza in half, then in half again, then in half again than to cut it into thirds, and then in half. It would be even worse to cut it into fifths, then half.
In Chicago, we cut it into squares, not slices. You can make them as big or as small as you'd like.
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