While thousands are out of work the king and queen of DC tell us "let them eat cake'! How much more out of touch can anyone be and how elite! We Americans are being tax so much our grandchildren or great grandchildren will pay for Obama's, Pelosi, Reed, Frank, Dodd, Kennedy, and many other democrats "bail outs" and sweet heart deals. Not one of them has held a actual "job" outside of government support.
Obama was elected only because he is "black" [really mixed race] and on the false premises of hope and change. He has offered no hope but he sure is changing things. He is, along with the democrats, rapidly destroying a beautiful nation. Are we perfect? Far be it,however; we are a nation who comes to the aid of others, not asking in return. I am so sad, afraid for us.
But it is ok to have a $15,000.00 pizza! Let them eat cake [we should be so lucky to have cake] and let us eat $100 pound steak.
Hopefully this is his one and only term. Wake up and smell the roses [pizza or cake]!!!!!
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/new鈥?/a>Obama's supporters what do you think obama' 850 mile pizza run?
You have to understand something soon as seen question did not even read it
Nothing what so ever to do with this section
You people are destroying yourselves out in the real world we all live each day as before
It will be 8 year term....get used to it or MOVE
(Had to look at part of question..otherwise would be deleted for non answer)
What was the fn question except for Noisense!@#??
Because it is negative from negative land
Look at question....nothing to do with election and something about FLOCKING PIZZA.. cons ...are not the sharpest pencils in the box
Flocking already......the cons have truly ;lost it and I am laughing at them non stop
Not offending anyone but themsleves and keep it up...fool
Hey, the money spent to transport that chef and make the pizza went into the economy for regular working people. Maybe if more people with money did something like this instead of hiding their money in investments the economy would perk up a bit more.Obama's supporters what do you think obama' 850 mile pizza run?
Dumb move...you'd think he'd exercise a little restraint and shield his pretentious manner behind white house walls.
The official white house story is the Pizza guy flew his dough commercial -- but I can't imagine any commercial airliner allowing his dough on the flight with post-9/11 regulations. Sorry -- story doesn't add up...I think Obama flew him in.
let not your heart be troubled
Shilo is correct. that 15,000 dollars is going right into the economy, and that is what we need. And Obama didn't create this mess, it was here waiting for him when he was sworn in. Prove to me he was voted in because he was black, I voted for him and it had nothing to do with his skin color.
By the way, what is your question?
Because the tax cuts Republicans are pushing are going to balance the budget... Sour grapes how those taste?
Being a cry baby is going to win votes how?
guess the sun didn't bother to tell you that it was at the Chef's expense.
Wake up and smell the fabrications. They stink.
The best one is the first: Ace of Spades slammed Obama's environmental cred for "jetting in" Pi's chef, making it seem as though the guy was hopping a private gulfstream, or worse, partying down on Air Force One .
* In fact, Chris Sommers flew commercial.
* Not only that, he flew coach.
* Not only that, he had already planned a business trip to DC, so the restaurant paid for his travel!
John also told me that Chris Sommers is one of the most dedicated people he knows to the environmental cause.
* In fact, his restaurant buys carbon credits from a wind farm in Colorado.
* Not only that, they recycle about 75% of their waste.
* Not only that, John himself is going into the green building business. You couldn't find a worse case for environmental hypocrisy.
Finally, Barack Obama isn't saddling the American taxpayer with the tab for this feast. He's picking up the tab, for local ingredients, out of his own pocket.
I hope the right continues to "uncover" horrible scandals like this, so the American people can see how serious they are about fixing the country.
"I am so sad, so afraid for us"... You darn well should be, when people are so hateful that they cannot even ATTEMPT to find facts before running people down.
and just out of curiousity... how sad / pathetic is it that people post FACTS AND CORRECT INFO... AND THE TRUTH GETS THUMBS DOWN.
They didn't spend 15k on pizza. Don't be so gullible. They guy flew coach... from Chicago. Get a grip.
Presidents are responsible to pay for the entertaining unless it is an official event. So what if Obama bought pizza ingredients?
its not his money.
He will end up spending more money than all the past presidents combined!
Wait and see....
Obama is clueless
well i like your question very much, i had not heard about this one, but i am not shocked.they seem to want to Party down at the white house and its seems to me they like to rub it in the face of americans, we have arrived and there isnt anything we can do about it. we have to buy our pizza at walmart, why cant they?
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